- A consultation on standards and ratings for a national inspection of the Probation Service
- A follow-up inspection of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
- About us
- Consultations
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- Diversity and inclusion
- Meet the team
- Our vision, purpose and values
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- Documentation area
- HM Inspectorate of Probation Quality Assurance Strategy
- How we report and follow up
- Inquiries and reviews
- Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI)
- Our standards and ratings
- Programme development
- Serious Further Offence reviews
- Thematic inspections
- What we inspect
- When and how we inspect
- Why we inspect
- Youth Inspection Programmes
- Speeches and submissions
- An Inspection of Through the Gate Resettlement Services for Prisoners Serving 12 Months or More
- An Inspection of Through the Gate Resettlement Services for Short-Term Prisoners
- Blog
- Call for volunteers: child and young person advisory forums
- Careers
- Changes to our inspections of probation services in 2019-2020
- Children not given enough help on release from custody, say inspectors
- Consultation on the probation inspection framework in response to ‘Probation Reset’
- Contact Us
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- Cymraeg
- Effective Practice
- Case supervision
- Effective practice guide: Adult effective case supervision
- Effective Practice Guide: Children subject to or at risk of remand in youth detention accommodation
- Effective Practice Guide: Developing operational structures and the Senior Probation Officer role
- Effective practice guide: Middle managers – professional curiosity insights (adult services)
- Effective Practice Guide: Offender Management in Custody, post-release (adult services) March 2023
- Effective Practice Guide: Offender Management in Custody, pre-release (adult services) November 2022
- Effective practice guide: Practitioners – professional curiosity insights (adult services)
- Effective practice guide: Working with domestic abuse (adult services) July 2023
- Effective Practice Guide: Working with women
- Effective Practice Guide: Working with young adults
- Effective practice guide: Youth effective case supervision
- Effective practice guide: Youth Resettlement
- YouTube video: Discussion regarding assessments in adult probation
- Diversity, equality and inclusion
- Effective practice guide: Black and mixed heritage boys in the youth justice system
- Effective Practice, Race equality in probation follow-up - A work in progress
- Online event: Towards effective practice with black, Asian and minority ethnic people on probation
- Online Insights 2022 festival event: Black and Mixed Heritage Boys: Principles of Effective Assessment in Youth Justice. 18 May 2022
- YJB Practitioner Forum: Black and mixed heritage boys in the youth justice system
- Interventions and requirements
- Regional spotlights
- Safety
- Services and pathways
- Effective practice guide: Integrated Offender Management
- Effective practice guide: Mental health
- Effective practice guide: Substance misuse
- Effective practice guide: Youth Education, Training and Employment
- Online Insights 2022 festival event: The chicken AND the egg: mental health and substance use needs in probation. 20 May 2022
- YJB Practitioner Forum: Education, training and employment
- Case supervision
- Email alerts
- HM Inspectorate of Probation Annual Report 2014-15/Arolygiaeth Prawf Ei Mawrhydi Adroddiad Blynyddol 2014-15
- Home
- Inspection Reports
- Investigation into the policy and process followed by the victim contact scheme in the Worboys case
- New Psychoactive Substances: the response by probation and substance misuse services in the community in England
- New youth programme roadshow - draft inspection standards
- News
- News
- Offenders with learning disabilities not getting help they need in prison, say inspectors
- Out-of-court disposal work in youth offending teams
- People on probation
- Privacy notice
- Probation inspection update
- Probation unification is not enough, by itself, to put right the flaws of past reform
- Research
- A-Z of key research messages
- Academic Insights
- Current research programme
- External research
- High-quality services and delivery
- Links
- Reflections from research
- Research & Analysis Bulletins
- Frontline leadership in probation and youth justice
- The interventions landscape for probation services: delivery, challenges, and opportunities
- The links between the quality of supervision and positive outcomes for people on probation
- The quality of pre-sentence information and advice provided to courts – 2022 to 2023 inspections
- The supervision of care-experienced children within the youth justice system
- The evidence base – probation services
- The evidence base – relationship-centred services
- The evidence base – youth justice services
- Resettlement Provision for Adult Offenders: Accommodation, Education Training and Employment
- Short-term placements with HM Inspectorate of Probation
- Sitemap
- Statement from HM Chief Inspector of Probation
- Subscribe
- The Contribution of Youth Offending Teams to the Work of the Troubled Families Programme in England
- Transforming Rehabilitation - Early Implementation
- Transforming Rehabilitation - Early Implementation 2
- Video Test
- Workload Audit Report: Probation Trusts April 2013 to February 2014
- Full Joint Inspection
- Short Quality Screenings
- Inspection of adult offending work (IAOW) 2013-2014
- Offender Management Inspection 2 (OMI2)
- Prison Offender Management Inspections (POMI 3)
- Quality & Impact inspection - adult offending (probation)
- Transforming Rehabilitation - Early Implementation
- Reviewing for desistance