New youth programme roadshow events

HM Inspectorate of Probation’s current programme of youth inspection is due to finish in 2024.  The planned end of the programme represents a timely opportunity to review our approach to youth inspections.  We have therefore commenced development of the next youth inspection programme and are keen to build in sufficient time for consultation and collaboration.

Alongside establishing a stakeholder working group, made up of representatives from Youth Justice Services across England and Wales, we have completed a variety of scoping events with different stakeholders and interested parties.

We are now offering the opportunity for consultation and discussion on our draft standards and inspection proposals at a series of roadshows.

These will take place on:

Click the event to be taken to the EventBrite website to book your place.

All events will run from 11am – 4pm and refreshments will be included.  Please note that time will be allocated for a short lunch break, but lunch is not included.

We are expecting a high level of interest in the events and spaces will be limited.  We will therefore prioritise allocating two places per Youth Justice Service (these can be spread across different venues should individual services wish).

Any queries please contact: (E-mail address)