Search Results

We were pleased to find that Redbridge YOT had maintained, and indeed improved on, the high standard of work we found during our previous inspection in 2011. This was particularly impressive given the diverse and complex offending needs of the children and young people with whom they work.

25 February 2015 | Archive – youth inspections

Overall, we found an enthusiastic and committed staff group, that levels of performance had been maintained and that a large majority of work had been completed sufficiently well across each of the areas inspected.

25 February 2015 | Archive – youth inspections

“…we found that there had been recent improvements to the quality of assessment and planning. The quality of work had improved since the last inspection and the staff team were positive about the support they had been given.”

21 January 2015 | Archive – youth inspections

“…we found that case managers understood the underlying reasons behind why children and young people they were supervising had offended.”

14 January 2015 | Archive – youth inspections

Lambeth Youth Offending Service (YOS) had worked hard to improve but needed to do more, said Paul McDowell, Chief Inspector of Probation. Recently Lambeth had achieved a reduction in the number of children and young people entering the youth justice system. However, reoffending rates remained high.

07 January 2015 | Archive – youth inspections