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Report: The quality of services delivered to young adults in the Probation Service (PDF, 647 kB) Cymraeg: Ansawdd y gwasanaethau a ddarperir i oedolion ifanc yn y Gwasanaeth Prawf (PDF, 677 kB) Press release: Inspectorate calls for improvements to support ‘unique challenges’ faced by young people on probation Effective practice: Effective practice – working with […]

09 September 2024 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

Report: The role of the senior probation officer and management oversight in the Probation Service (PDF, 512 kB) Press release: Too many demands on senior probation officers overseeing probation work, inspection finds Effective practice: Effective practice – Insights from a thematic inspection of the role of the senior probation officer and management oversight in sentence […]

18 January 2024 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

Report (Revised edition 05 January 2023): A thematic inspection of imprisonment for public protection (IPP) recall decisions (PDF, 959 kB) Press release: Recall decision was right in majority of imprisonment for public protection sentences – inspection finds User Voice: The voice of people on IPP (PDF, 2 MB)

14 December 2023 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

Report: Race equality in probation follow-up: A work in progress (PDF, 635 kB) Press release: Race equality in probation remains ‘a work in progress’ Effective practice: Effective Practice, Race equality in probation follow-up A work in progress (PDF, 2 MB) Presentation slides: Race Equality in Probation – A work in progress (PDF, 1 MB) Action […]

07 September 2023 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

Report: A thematic inspection of work undertaken, and progress made, by the Probation Service to reduce the incidence of domestic abuse and protect victims (PDF, 1019 kB) Cymraeg: Arolygiad thematig o’r gwaith a wnaed, a’r cynnydd a wnaed, gan y Gwasanaeth Prawf i leihau nifer yr achosion o gam-drin domestig ac amddiffyn dioddefwyr (PDF, 846 […]

04 July 2023 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

Report: A thematic review of Offender Management in Custody (OMiC) – post-release (PDF, 595 kB) Cymraeg: Rheoli Troseddwyr yn y Ddalfa – ar ôl rhyddhau (PDF, 604 kB) Press release: “A wake-up call”: Chief Inspector raises serious concerns about effectiveness of probation work with released prisoners Effective practice: Effective practice guide: Offender Management in the […]

14 March 2023 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

A joint inspection led by HM Inspectorate of Probation, with HM Inspectorate of Prisons, has found Offender Management in Custody (OMiC) is falling well short of expected standards – calling for the model to be overhauled.

02 November 2022 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

Access to education, training and employment (ETE) opportunities is fundamental to the prospects of children on youth offending service caseloads and to their desistance from further offending, but this thematic shows gaps in provision and major barriers to participation for some children.

07 June 2022 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

This thematic report explores electronic monitoring as a tool for the Probation Service in reducing reoffending and managing risk. The report finds that it is potentially valuable to the Service’s work but that the programme needs to be assessed and embedded properly into wider probation activity.

18 January 2022 | Thematics - HMI Probation only

This thematic report explores the experiences of black and mixed heritage boys in the youth justice system. The report finds “significant deficits” in the quality of work conducted by youth offending services and partner agencies with these boys.

21 October 2021 | Thematics - HMI Probation only