Rules and guidance

These documents are the rules and guidance that assist inspectors to make their judgements against our standards. Domain one looks at the organisational delivery (governance and leadership, staff, partnerships and services, information and facilities). The rules and guidance documents for domains two and three, and resettlement, are for our inspectors when assessing cases.

Youth Justice Domain One rules and guidance v3.4 (PDF, 1 MB)

Youth Justice Domain Two CARaG v7.4 (PDF, 388 kB)

Youth Justice Domain Three CARaG v3.6 (PDF, 281 kB)

Youth Justice Resettlement CAG V 1.3 (PDF, 112 kB)

Management oversight (PDF, 207 kB)

Guidance manual

To assist the services that we inspect we have produced a guidance manual. It provides an overview and details all the stages of an inspection, including what happens before, during and after an inspection. It also details how we report our findings.

Youth Inspection Guidance Manual v5.9 (PDF, 762 kB) – September 2024

Selection criteria

Criteria for selecting youth offending services for inspection (PDF, 162 kB)

Report glossary

Youth inspection glossary of terms (PDF, 240 kB)