
The Solicitor General on Disability Hate Crime
An article from Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP on the need to address the growing problem of disability hate crime in the UK.

The lead HMCPSI inspector on hate crime gave a presentation at the College of Policing / CPS Hate Crime Operational Leads Roundtable. He highlighted the findings of the Criminal Justice Joint Inspectorates May 2015 review of how the police, CPS and probation providers have responded to the first joint review, Living in a different world: A Joint review of Disability Hate Crime (March 2013), and HMCPSI’s findings that the CPS needed to do a great deal more to improve their performance in this area.

The conference was attended by senior CPS staff including Peter Lewis (Chief Executive), who has accepted the report’s findings, and Chief Constable Simon Cole. The conference highlighted the importance of partnership working, good practice that exists across the country and called for innovative approaches when dealing with Disability Hate Crime.