Cymru-Wales AAP Report: (May 19)

HMCPSI’s  Area Assurance Inspection Report for CPS Cymru-Wales

During 2016 to 2018, HMCPSI undertook a rolling programme of Area Assurance Programme (AAP) inspections across all 14 Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Areas. The inspections of CPS Cymru-Wales and CPS South West as part of this programme were pilots and, as such, did not feature all the elements of the finalised and agreed framework for the AAP inspections. Therefore, to ensure that there was a full and comparable set of outcomes, HMCPSI decided to revisit these Areas to assess, on a limited basis, casework decision making and the service provided to victims and witnesses. This allows HMCPSI to report on a comparative basis against all CPS Areas and sets a baseline for CPS Area performance and any other future activity.

This report presents the findings of HMCPSI’s casework analysis.

CPS Cymru Wales Area Assurance Inspection Report (May 19) (174 kB)

CPS Cymru Wales Area Assurance Inspection Report Welsh Translation (May 19) (294 kB)