HMCPSI Business Plan 2018-19 (Oct 18)

HMCPSI has today published its Business Plan for 2018-19, setting out the key areas of work that the Inspectorate expects to undertake and giving some background on why they are priorities.

The purpose of HMCPSI is to inspect the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and to produce reports that provide independently assessed evidence on performance that allows others to hold the two services to account. The reports are also intended to encourage performance improvements by the CPS and SFO.

This year’s inspections of CPS London North and CPS London South will complete the Area Assurance Programme begun in 2016-17. There will also be inspections of the Central Casework Divisions, allowing us to report to the Attorney General on the performance of the CPS as a whole, while work in the SFO will concentrate on case progression.

Thematics include the CPS’s Victim Liaison Units and the Service’s handling of correspondence, with scoping taking place on other topics for work in 2018-19 0r 2019-20.

Jointly with HMICFRS, we are also inspecting evidence led prosecutions of domestic abuse and crimes against older people.

HMCPSI Business Plan 2018-19 (75 kB)