About CJJI

Criminal Justice Joint Inspection (CJJI)  is a product of long-standing cooperation between the four criminal justice inspectorates (of Constabulary; the Crown Prosecution Service; Prisons; and Probation) which was formalised by the Police and Justice Act 2006.

 The purpose of Criminal Justice Joint Inspection

We work together to address issues that involve more than one criminal justice agency and have a direct impact on the public who use the justice system. Working together produces a more rounded examination of issues that cut across the system and enables us to achieve more than if just one inspectorate acted alone.

We support democratic accountability, local transparency and the drive to reduce bureaucracy.

Joint inspection particularly provides a unique focus on:

  • Systemic issues within the criminal justice system (CJS) as a whole
  • Identifying and driving cost from the system
  • Addressing risks and public safety
  • Looking at the system end-to-end and the role individual agencies play
  • Universal issues, standards and constraints within the CJS
  • Public reassurance and confidence

Inspection focus and scope

Our four inspectorates increasingly collaborate to focus on end-to-end and cross-cutting justice processes. To reflect this, we have focussed activity around four high level business processes (community safety; bringing offenders to justice; offender management; and custodial conditions) and three cross-cutting issues (victim and witness experience; equality and diversity; and achieving value for money and efficiency).

Latterly, our increased focus on outcomes and the user experience have been key drivers. The overall balance of our joint programme also relies heavily on stakeholder consultation and resultant prioritisation.

The chair of CJJI chief inspector group rotates on an annual basis. The current chair is Andy Cooke QPM DL Chief Inspector of His Majesty’s Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services and Martin Jones CBE Chief Inspector of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation is due to take over the chair on the 1st April 2025.