Inspection Reports

Joint Inspection of the Devon and Cornwall Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 817 kB) Joint Inspection of the Devon and Cornwall Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 83 kB) Joint Inspection of the Devon and Cornwall Criminal Justice Area (Exective Summary) (PDF, 262 kB)

Published: 06 February 2007

Without Consent: Joint Review of the Investigation and Prosecution of Rape Offences (PDF, 1 MB)

Published: 31 January 2007

Joint Inspection of the Cleveland Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 273 kB) Joint Inspection of the Cleveland Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 66 kB)

Published: 23 January 2007

Justice in Policing: Joint Thematic Review of the Handling of Cases Involving an Allegation of a Criminal Offence by a Person Serving with the Police (PDF, 535 kB) Justice in Policing: Joint Thematic Review of the Handling of Cases Involving an Allegation of a Criminal Offence by a Person Serving with the Police (Press Release) […]

Published: 11 January 2007

Joint Inspection of the Avon and Somerset Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 1 MB) Joint Inspection of the Avon and Somerset Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 132 kB) Joint Inspection of the Avon and Somerset Criminal Justice Area (Exective Summary) (PDF, 109 kB)

Published: 25 July 2006

Joint Inspection of the Greater Manchester Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 1 MB) Joint Inspection of the Greater Manchester Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 114 kB)

Published: 30 June 2006

Joint Inspection of the Northumbria Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 1 MB) Joint Inspection of the Northumbria Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 99 kB)

Published: 22 May 2006

Joint Inspection of the Thames Valley Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 403 kB) Joint Inspection of the Thames Valley Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 104 kB)

Published: 20 February 2006

Joint Inspection of the Gwent Criminal Justice Area (WELSH) (PDF, 2 MB) Joint Inspection of the Gwent Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 694 kB) Joint Inspection of the Gwent Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 46 kB)

Published: 07 February 2006

Joint Inspection of the Merseyside Criminal Justice Area (PDF, 861 kB) Joint Inspection of the Merseyside Criminal Justice Area (Press Release) (PDF, 147 kB) Joint Inspection of the Merseyside Criminal Justice Area (Exective Summary) (PDF, 118 kB)

Published: 17 August 2005