Inspection of Youth Offending work in Richmond-upon-Thames

The latest inspection report of Youth Offending work in England and Wales was published today.
Julie Fox, Assistant Chief Inspector, said:
“This Core Case Inspection of youth offending work in Richmond-upon-Thames took place as part of the Inspection of Youth Offending programme. We have examined a representative sample of youth offending cases from the area, and we have judged how often the Public Protection and the Safeguarding aspects of the work were done to a sufficiently high level of quality.
“We judged that the Safeguarding aspects of the work were done well enough 78% of the time. With the Public Protection aspects, work to keep to a minimum each individual’s Risk of Harm to others was done well enough 69% the time, and the work to make each individual less likely to reoffend was done well enough 75% of the time. A more detailed analysis of our findings is provided in the main body of this report, and summarised in a table in Appendix 1. These figures can be viewed in the context of our findings from Wales and the regions of England inspected so far – see the Table below.
“We also found effective and coordinated multi-agency work to address the needs of the children or young people and that Richmond-upon-Thames Youth Offending Team had developed a wide range of accredited interventions and creative approaches to restorative justice. Effective plans were in place to sustain progress, through effective use of the Youth Support Service, after supervision by the team had ended. The management team and staff are committed to continuously improve the service provided and recognise the need to improve the quality of intervention, risk and vulnerability management plans.”

“Overall, we consider this a creditable set of findings and that the prospects for the future are positive.”

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