Search Results

‘…we found that practice had improved since the last SQS in February 2013. The YOS had a group of committed case managers and specialist workers who demonstrated tenacity in their work with children and young people.’

23 March 2016 | Archive – youth inspections

‘…there had been overall improvements in the work of the YOT since our last inspection in 2010, and that many of our previous recommendations had been addressed. Compliance with orders was excellent, and reflected the skill and commitment of case managers.’

23 March 2016 | Archive – youth inspections

‘…we found that assessment work and subsequent planning and review was inconsistent. Pre-sentence report writing was a strength of the team and there was evidence that the staff were well-motivated, capable and focused on the relationship with the children and young people.’

16 March 2016 | Archive – youth inspections

‘…we found that Sunderland Youth Offending Team (YOT) was supported by an experienced, committed and motivated team who knew their cases and their families well. There was a commitment to the ‘Strengthening Families’ initiative, which supported a holistic approach to deliver improved outcomes…’

09 March 2016 | Archive – youth inspections

‘…we found that staff and managers were working hard, and successfully in most cases, to engage children and young people. Information sharing and joint working with other agencies started swiftly and continued throughout the court order.’

09 March 2016 | Archive – youth inspections