Core Case Inspection (CCI)

This programme entailed visits to all Youth Offending Services in England and Wales over a three year period starting in April 2009. Its primary purpose was to assess the quality of practice against our published criteria (see below), in relation to assessment, interventions and outcomes. We assessed this by selecting a sample of cases which are read by a team of inspectors and assessors (including staff from the region/Wales itself) who then conducted interviews with the practitioners in charge of those cases. The practitioner was normally interviewed for well over an hour, and needed to be prepared to discuss the case in depth and be asked to explain their thinking and to show where to find supporting evidence in the record.

This was the primary source of evidence for CCI.

We also surveyed the views of children and young people supervised by the Youth Offending Service and of victims of crime.

Further reading

You can find previous youth offending inspection work on the National Archives copy of our site.