Children are able, and expected, to engage in activity that is likely to benefit them.

Time out of cell

Children spend most of their time out of their cell, engaged in activities such as education, leisure and cultural pursuits, seven days a week.

Find out more about our expectations for time out of cell.

Education, skills and work activities (Ofsted)

All children are expected and enabled to engage in education, skills or work activities that promote personal development and employability. There are sufficient, suitable education, skills and work places to meet the needs of the population and provision is of a good standard.

Find out more about Ofsted’s expectations for education skills and work activities.

Please note: The expectations for Education, Skills and Work have been revised to incorporate Ofsted’s new inspection framework, which came into effect on 1 February 2020.

Education, skills and work activities (Estyn)

All children are expected and enabled to engage in education, skills or work activities that promote personal development and employability. There are sufficient, suitable education, skills and work places to meet the needs of the population and provision is of a good standard.

Find out more about Estyn’s expectations for education, skills and work activities.