
Prisoners, particularly the most vulnerable, are held safely.

Escorts and early days

Separation centre prisoners transferring to, between, and from separation centres are safe, secure and are treated with dignity and respect.

Find out more about our expectations for escorts and early days


Prisoners’ individual vulnerabilities are identified, they are protected from harm and neglect and receive effective care and support. Prisoners at risk of self-harm or suicide are identified and given timely, appropriate care and support.

Find out more about our expectations for safety


Security and good order are maintained through attention to physical and procedural matters, including effective security intelligence.

Find out more about our expectations for security

Behaviour management

Prisoners live in a safe, secure and well-ordered environment where positive behaviour is demonstrated, promoted and acknowledged. Unacceptable conduct is dealt with in an objective, fair, proportionate and consistent manner.

Find out more about our expectations for behaviour management