Children, particularly the most vulnerable, are held safely.

Early days in custody

Children transferring to and from custody are safe and treated decently. On arrival children are safe and treated with respect. Their individual needs are identified and addressed, and they feel supported on their first night. Induction is comprehensive.

Find out more about our expectations for early days in custody.

Safeguarding of children

The establishment promotes the welfare of children, particularly those most at risk, and protects them from all kinds of harm and neglect.

Find out more about our expectations for safeguarding of children.

Suicide and self-harm prevention

The establishment provides a safe and secure environment which reduces the risk of self-harm and suicide. Children at risk of self-harm or suicide are identified at an early stage and given the necessary support. All staff are aware of and alert to vulnerability issues, are appropriately trained and have access to proper equipment and support.

Find out more about our expectations for suicide and self-harm prevention.


Children are kept safe through attention to physical and procedural matters, including effective security intelligence and positive relationships between staff and children.

Find out more about our expectations for security.

Behaviour management

Children live in a safe, well-ordered and motivational environment where their good behaviour is promoted and rewarded. Unacceptable behaviour is dealt with in an objective, fair and consistent manner.

Find out more about our expectations for behaviour management.

Bullying and violence reduction

Everyone feels safe from bullying and victimisation. Active and fair systems to prevent and respond to bullying and violence are known to staff, children and visitors.

Find out more about our expectations for bullying and violence reduction.

The use of force

Force is used only as a last resort and if applied is used legitimately by trained staff. The use of force is minimised through preventive strategies and alternative approaches which are monitored through robust governance arrangements.

Find out more about our expectations for the use of force.

Separation/removal from normal location

Children are only separated from their peers with the proper authorisation, safely, in line with their individual needs, for appropriate reasons and not as a punishment.

Find out more about our expectations for separation/removal from normal location.