Search Results

An analysis of 15-18-year-olds’ perceptions of their experiences in young offender institutions 2009-10 (18 November 2010)

Published: 18 November 2010

Unannounced short follow-up inspection of HMP Lincoln (3–5 May 2010)

Published: 17 November 2010

Unannounced short follow-up inspection of Oakington Immigration Reception Centre (2 – 5 August 2010)

Published: 16 November 2010

Announced inspection of Dungavel House Immigration Removal Centre (21 – 25 June 2010)

Published: 16 November 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in South Yorkshire (5 – 9 July 2010)

Published: 11 November 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Harrow Borough Operational Command Unit (17-19 May 2010)

Published: 11 November 2010

Unannounced full follow-up inspection of HMP Forest Bank (29 June–9 July 2010)

Published: 09 November 2010

Announced inspection of HMP/YOI Swinfen Hall (7-11 June 2010)

Published: 04 November 2010

Announced inspection of HMP Blantyre House (5-9 July 2010)

Published: 03 November 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews (23–24 November 2010)

Published: 01 November 2010