Search Results

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Leicestershire (24-26 August 2009)

Published: 12 January 2010

Unannounced inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at Gatwick Airport South Terminal (17-18 August 2009)

Published: 06 January 2010

Unannounced inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at Gatwick Airport North Terminal (17-18 August 2009)

Published: 06 January 2010

An unannounced inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at: Dover Enforcement Unit (3 – 4 August 2009)

Published: 06 January 2010

Unannounced full follow-up inspection of the residential short-term holding facility at Port of Dover (3 – 4 August 2009)

Published: 06 January 2010

The Business Plan for CJ Joint Inspection for 2010-12

Published: 01 January 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews (6-7 July 2010)

Published: 01 January 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interview (3 June 2010)

Published: 01 January 2010

HMYOI Eastwood Park: Mary Carpenter Unit, summary of questionnaires and interviews (13 December 2010)

Published: 01 January 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews (16 February 2010)

Published: 01 January 2010