Search Results

Announced inspection of HMP Bristol (4-8 January 2010)

Published: 15 June 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in North Yorkshire (15-19 February 2010)

Published: 15 June 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Surrey (1-5 February 2010)

Published: 09 June 2010

Muslim prisoners’ experience: a thematic review (8 June 2010)

Published: 08 June 2010

Announced inspection of HMYOI Brinsford (30 November – 4 December 2009)

Published: 03 June 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews: Children and young people’s self-reported perceptions (21 December 2009)

Published: 02 June 2010

Announced inspection of HMP/YOI Downview: Josephine Butler Unit (1-4 Feb 2010)

Published: 02 June 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews (24 May 2010)

Published: 29 May 2010

Announced inspection of Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre (11-15 January 2010)

Published: 26 May 2010

Full unannounced inspection of HMP Altcourse (15 – 22 January 2010)

Published: 25 May 2010