Search Results

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Kingston Borough Operational Command Unit (7-9 April 2010)

Published: 04 August 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Merton Borough Operational Command Unit (6 – 8 April 2010)

Published: 04 August 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Bexley Borough Operational Command Unit (26-28 April 2010)

Published: 04 August 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews: Children and young people’s self-reported perceptions (28-29 June 2010)

Published: 01 August 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews: Children and young people’s self-reported perceptions (22-23 February 2010)

Published: 13 July 2010

Announced inspection of the young adult units at HMYOI Stoke Heath (29 March-2 April 2010)

Published: 13 July 2010

Unannounced full follow-up inspection of HMP Leeds (3-12 March 2010)

Published: 13 July 2010

Full announced inspection of Brook House Immigration Removal Centre (15-19 March 2010)

Published: 12 July 2010

Women in prison – a short thematic review (July 2010)

Published: 09 July 2010

Summary of questionnaires and interviews: Children and young people’s self-reported perceptions (14-15 December 2009)

Published: 09 July 2010