Search Results

Announced inspection of HMP/YOI Foston Hall (28 September-2 October 2009)

Published: 16 March 2010

Announced inspection of HMP Exeter (12-16 October 2009)

Published: 12 March 2010

Unannounced short follow-up inspection of HMP Maidstone (14-16 September 2009)

Published: 11 March 2010

Announced inspection of Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre (5-9 October 2009)

Published: 10 March 2010

Inspection visit to police custody suites in Warwickshire (12-15 October 2009)

Published: 10 March 2010

Unannounced full follow-up inspection of HMP Rye Hill (6-10 July 2009)

Published: 09 March 2010

Announced inspection of HMP Preston (10-14 August 2009)

Published: 05 March 2010

Unannounced follow-up inspection of HMP Edmunds Hill (7-11 September 2009)

Published: 04 March 2010

Indeterminate Sentences for Public Protection: A joint inspection by HMI Probation and HMI Prisons (March 2010)

Published: 04 March 2010

Unannounced short follow-up inspection of HMP Standford Hill (28-30 September 2009)

Published: 03 March 2010