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News and press release search results

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We revisited Avon Fire and Rescue Service and Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service to review the progress made against our recommendations.

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The Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services has called for more powers to ensure the sector makes urgent changes to keep the public safe. 

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Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) needs to do more to improve how it keeps people safe from fire and other risks, and how it promotes the right values, culture and diversity within its workforce.

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We revisited Surrey Fire and Rescue Service to review the progress it has made against our recommendations.

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We revisited Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service to review the progress it has made against our recommendations.

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We revisited London Fire Brigade after identifying a cause of concern related to culture to review the progress made against our recommendations.

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Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is performing well and has been congratulated for its performance.

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Today we published Fire and Rescue Service reports for Essex County and Norfolk.

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London Fire Brigade has made improvements and has therefore been removed from an enhanced level of monitoring by the fire inspectorate.

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We revisited Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service to further review the progress it has made since our last revisit.