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News article  — 

Cleveland Police has improved in some areas but further changes are needed to keep people safer and reduce crime.

News article  — 

Today we published PEEL reports for Avon and Somerset Constabulary and Lincolnshire Police.

Publication  —  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. This report sets out the findings for Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

News article  — 

Today Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help in Sunderland.

Publication  —  Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

Between 23 and 27 January 2023, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HMICFRS carried out a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help in Sunderland.

Publication  —  Research, Thematic inspection  — 

We examined how well police address serious youth violence to reduce violent crime involving young people.

News article  — 

Today we published a report on how well the police tackle serious youth violence.

Publication  —  Research  — 

We commissioned User Voice to conduct research on the lived experience of those who have committed, and been on the receiving end, of serious youth violence.

News article  — 

Today we published the terms of reference for our rapid review of vetting and counter-corruption.

Publication  —  Integrity and corruption, Terms of reference  — 

HMICFRS will carry out an urgent review of the police service’s progress on vetting, misconduct and counter-corruption.