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Police force:West Yorkshire
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Publication  —  Modern slavery  — 

On 28 July 2016, the Home Secretary commissioned Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services to inspect the police’s response to the implementation of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in England and Wales. This report sets out the findings from our inspection and recommendations for improvement.

News article  — 

Despite the number of modern slavery and human trafficking cases increasing, police forces are failing to recognise these crimes and protect victims adequately, as set out in a report published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services.

Publication  —  Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

In our 2016 legitimacy inspections, a national cause of concern was identified in forces’ ability to seek intelligence on potential abuse of position for sexual gain. This letter was sent to West Yorkshire Police’s chief constable, setting out our assessment of their force’s plan to deal with the concern.

News article  — 

The majority of police forces in England and Wales still have work do in regard to their planning around preventing the abuse of position for a sexual purpose, according to a report published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services.

Publication  —  Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

Summary In our 2016 legitimacy inspections, a national cause of concern was identified in forces’ ability to seek intelligence on potential abuse of position for sexual gain. HMICFRS recommended that all forces should have started to implement a plan to achieve the capability and capacity required to seek intelligence on potential abuse of position for

News article  — 

Inspectors from Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, and HM Inspectorate of Probation carried out joint inspections of six areas in England, to evaluate the multi-agency response to cases of domestic abuse.

Publication  —  Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

A report examining the multi-agency response to children living with domestic abuse, along with inspections of local area services.

Publication  —  Business Plans, Inspection programmes  — 

This document sets out HMICFRS’s police inspection programme and resources for the year ahead.

News article  — 

A joint inspection by Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary found widespread failures across the Criminal Justice System when it comes to disclosure of evidence.

Publication  —  Criminal justice joint inspections  — 

Between January and March 2017, Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary carried out an inspection into the police and Crown Prosecution Service compliance with the disclosure of unused material provisions.