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Female genital mutilation, Forced marriage, Honour-based violence  — 

This is the first HMIC inspection to focus on honour-based violence. Our findings are set out in the report, which also contains recommendations for the Home Office, the National Police Chiefs Council, chief constables, and the College of Policing.

Regional Organised Crime Units  — 

Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs) provide a range of specialist policing capabilities at a regional level, which help forces to tackle serious and organised crime effectively. As part of the autumn 2015 inspection of all police forces in England and Wales, HMIC examined the capabilities and effectiveness of ROCUs in tackling serious and organised crime. The findings of these inspections are laid out in this report.

Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas?

Criminal justice joint inspections, Joint inspection  — 

This report sets out the findings of a review of the quality of criminal case files. It examines how effective the police are in providing accurate information of the circumstances of the case, identifying the vulnerability of victims and witnesses, and assessing and managing risks so the needs of witnesses and victims are met.

Criminal justice joint inspections, Joint inspection  — 

This report sets out the findings of a review of the quality of criminal case files. It examines how effective the police are in providing accurate information of the circumstances of the case, identifying the vulnerability of victims and witnesses, and assessing and managing risks so the needs of witnesses and victims are met.

Data, Rape Monitoring Group  — 

On behalf of the national Rape Monitoring Group (RMG), HMIC has published 42 local area digests to provide a data set to enable more thorough analysis of how rape is dealt with in a particular area of England and Wales.

Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As part of a new annual inspection of police forces in England and Wales, HMIC has published a thematic and individual force reports on the findings of inspections of policing efficiency. The reports are concerned with the question: How efficient are the police at keeping people safe and reducing crime?

Stop and search  — 

In March 2015, HMIC published ‘Stop and search powers 2: are the police using them effectively and fairly?’. This report looked at the progress forces had made since the previous stop and search report, ‘Stop and Search Powers: Are the police using them effectively and fairly?’, published in 2013.

Child protection  — 

This report sets out findings from our review of the business processes police forces in England and Wales use to collect, record, process, evaluate and share information in the wake of the mistakes that have been made in the handling of information relating to, and allegations of, sexual abuse.

Speech  — 

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, gave a speech at The Centre for Social Justice about the role HMIC plays in helping to promote the well-being of vulnerable people when they come into contact with the police.