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Publication  —  Data, PEEL methodology  — 

This report sets out the results of the third Ipsos MORI survey into public perceptions of policing in England and Wales.

News article  — 

Police forces are committed to sustaining and improving the trust and confidence of the public, but they risk damage to their relationships with local communities by continuing to be unable to demonstrate fair use of stop and search, according to a report released today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services.

Publication  —  Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL legitimacy 2016, this inspection looked at the extent to which forces treat people with fairness and respect; the extent to which they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and the extent to which those workforces themselves feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces. This report sets out the findings for Warwickshire Police.

News article  — 

As part of our annual inspections of police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMICFRS assessed how legitimate police forces are at keeping people safe and reducing crime. The press releases that accompany this publication are set out on this page.

Publication  —  Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL legitimacy 2016, this inspection looked at the extent to which forces treat people with fairness and respect; the extent to which they ensure their workforces act ethically and lawfully; and the extent to which those workforces themselves feel they have been treated with fairness and respect by the forces.

News article  — 

Police leaders must act quickly to fundamentally change the National Police Air Service if it’s to help police forces further improve their efficiency and effectiveness, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services has reported today.

Publication  —  National Police Air Service  — 

HMICFRS commissioned a study into the National Police Air Service following concerns expressed by some forces about the effectiveness and efficiency of current arrangements for police air support. This report sets out the findings of that study.

News article  — 

HMICFRS has published the latest value for money profiles which provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities.

Publication  —  Value for money  — 

The Value for money (VfM) profiles provide comparative data on a wide range of policing activities. For instance: does your force spend more or less than other similar forces? Does it receive fewer or more 999 calls? How does the crime rate differ from other force areas? This profile sets out the value for money information for Warwickshire Police for 2017.

Publication  —  Domestic abuse  — 

Summary This report is the third in a series of thematic reports which consider the response provided to victims of domestic abuse by the police service. We published our first report in this series in March 2014. Since that time the service provided by the police to victims of domestic abuse has improved markedly. Victims