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Police force:Northumbria
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News article  — 

Today we published reports on the effectiveness of vetting arrangements in Humberside, Northumbria, South Yorkshire and Warwickshire Police.

News article  — 

Police forces are still failing to record the ethnicity of victims of crimes in nearly two thirds of cases, and they should publish more data on ethnicity to help build public confidence.

Publication  —  Race, Thematic inspection  — 

In this report, we examine what published demographic data is available for a range of police criminal justice decisions. We then detail the policy context that exists for these, before setting out the findings from the fieldwork that we carried out.

Publication  —  Race, Thematic inspection  — 

This inspection considers the effectiveness of the national leadership and governance arrangements that relate to race and policing.

Publication  —  Homicide, Joint inspection  — 

This inspection examined how effectively the police understood, and contributed to the prevention of, homicides.

News article  — 

Most police forces effectively identify patterns and causes of homicide, and allocate the right resources to prevent it, but there is still too much inconsistency in how policing tackles homicide prevention.

Publication  —  Firearms  — 

In this inspection we examined how effective police forces are in the deployment of firearms, including specialist munitions.

News article  — 

Police forces are effective in deploying firearms, and officers discharged weapons at only 0.02 per cent of armed operations in 2021-22.

Publication  —  PEEL, Police performance, Spotlight  — 

This report focuses on the findings from our police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2021/22 inspection programme, which assesses the performance of the 43 police forces in England and Wales.

News article  — 

Police forces have improved in several areas in recent years, but the public is still being failed too often.