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Police force:Greater Manchester
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Publication  —  Business Plans, Consultations  — 

We recently ran a consultation on our proposed programme of policing inspections for 2021/22. The purpose of this consultation was to make sure that we continue to focus our inspection work on what matters most to the public.

News article  — 

Today we published the summary of consultation responses to the policing inspection programme and framework 2021/22.

Publication  —  Accelerated cause of concern, PEEL  — 

This accelerated cause of concern has been issued to Greater Manchester Police because the force’s response to some vulnerable victims is inadequate. It has also failed to make the improvements we recommended in previous inspections.

News article  — 

Greater Manchester Police is still failing to respond effectively to vulnerable victims of crime, four years after concerns were first raised.

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Domestic abuse, Female genital mutilation, Forced marriage, Harassment and stalking, Honour-based violence, Rape, VAWG  — 

This report sets out findings from our inspection of how effectively the police respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG) offences.

News article  — 

Fundamental cross-system change is urgently needed to tackle an epidemic of violence against women and girls (VAWG), a new report has found.

News article  — 

The police do not always use protective measures effectively to safeguard women and girls, despite evidence of dedicated officers working to protect victims, a new report has found.  

Publication  —  Domestic abuse, Super-complaint  — 

On 19 March 2019, the Centre for Women’s Justice made a super-complaint to HMICFRS. This super-complaint is about the police’s alleged failure to use protective measures to safeguard women and girls.

News article  — 

Too many victims of fraud are still receiving a poor service from the police and are denied justice.

Publication  —  Fraud, Spotlight  — 

In 2018, the Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS to carry out a thematic inspection of fraud. This report sets out the findings of our revisit of the 2018 inspection.