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Police force:Bedfordshire
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News article  — 

The police service is at a historic turning point – and there is a limited window of opportunity to repair public trust.

Publication  —  PEEL, Regional Organised Crime Units, Serious and organised crime  — 

As part of our PEEL inspections, we inspected how well police forces tackle serious and organised crime.

News article  — 

Today we published a report about an inspection of the eastern regional response to serious and organised crime.

News article  — 

Today we have published a letter to the Home Secretary setting out the progress police forces have made so far against the 43 recommendations in our November vetting, misogyny and misconduct report. 

Publication  —  Correspondence, Integrity and corruption, Letter  — 

The Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS to carry out an urgent review of progress on vetting and counter-corruption in England and Wales. This letter and annex set out our findings.

News article  — 

Responses to the recommendations from the super-complaint report: ‘How the police respond to victims of sexual abuse when the victim is from an ethnic minority background and may be at risk of honour-based abuse’.

Publication  —  Coercive and controlling behaviour, Ethics and accountability, Honour-based violence, Super-complaint  — 

A report on the Tees Valley Inclusion Project super-complaint, about the police response to victims of sexual abuse from ethnic minority backgrounds who may be at risk of honour-based abuse

News article  — 

The police response to online child sexual abuse and exploitation is too often leaving vulnerable children at risk – and allowing offenders to escape justice.

News article  — 

Today Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help in Bedford.

Publication  —  Child protection, Joint inspection  — 

Between 6 and 10 February 2023, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HMICFRS carried out a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to identification of initial need and risk in Bedford borough Council for children and families who need help.