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Publication type:Stop and search
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Police force:Cheshire
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Found 5 publications

Stop and search, Super-complaint  — 

Responses to the Criminal Justice Alliance super-complaint on Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and independent community scrutiny of stop and search.

Spotlight, Stop and search  — 

Stop and search legislation was introduced in 1984. However, 35 years on, forces still do not understand fully the impact of the use of the powers. When the police use their powers disproportionately, it causes suspicion among some communities that they are being unfairly targeted.

Legitimacy, Revisit, Stop and search  — 

This letter sets out Cheshire Constabulary’s compliance with the Best Use of Stop and Search scheme, following a revisit inspection of the 13 forces found not to be compliant with three or more elements of the scheme in 2015.

Legitimacy, Revisit, Stop and search  — 

Summary In 2014, the Home Office and College of Policing launched the Best Use of Stop and Search (BUSS) scheme (PDF document). The scheme aims to achieve greater transparency and community involvement in the use of stop and search powers, and to support a more intelligence-led approach, leading to better outcomes. The scheme sets out

Stop and search  — 

Summary The summer riots of 2011 once again focused attention on the way police use stop and search powers. As a result of this renewed concern, in December 2011 the Home Secretary commissioned HMIC to carry out an inspection into the use of stop and search legislation by police forces in England and Wales. In