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Police force:Devon and Cornwall
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Found 9 publications

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL, PEEL methodology  — 

This is our assessment framework for our police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL) programme for 2023-2025. We assess each police force in England and Wales, giving graded judgments across several core questions set out in this framework.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. This report sets out the findings for Devon and Cornwall Police.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

Like previous PEEL spotlight reports, this report gives an overview of the themes from the 2018/19 PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) inspections. With the publication of the final 14 force reports from our third tranche of inspections, this report reflects on findings from all 43 force inspections to draw together national themes in policing.

Effectiveness, Efficiency, Legitimacy, PEEL  — 

As part of our annual inspections of police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMICFRS assessed how effective the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime. This report sets out the findings for Devon and Cornwall Police.

Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL efficiency 2016, this inspection looked at how well forces understand the demand for their service and how well they match their resources to that demand and provides an assessment of their efficiency.

Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL efficiency 2016, this inspection looked at how well forces understand the demand for their service and how well they match their resources to that demand and provides an assessment of their efficiency. This report sets out the findings for Devon and Cornwall Police.

Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As in PEEL efficiency 2015, this inspection looked at how well forces understand the demand for their service and how well they match their resources to that demand and provides an assessment of their efficiency.

Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As in HMIC’s previous assessment of police efficiency, this inspection examined how well each force in England and Wales understands the demand for its service and how well it match its resources to that demand; and provides an assessment of its efficiency. This report sets out the findings for Devon and Cornwall Police.

Efficiency, PEEL  — 

As part of a new annual inspection of police forces in England and Wales, HMIC has published a thematic and individual force reports on the findings of inspections of policing efficiency. The reports are concerned with the question: How efficient are the police at keeping people safe and reducing crime?