Gang-related homicide and police corruption in Trinidad and Tobago: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

Published on: 17 October 2019

Police Forces: Trinidad and Tobago


HMICFRS commissioned the University of South Wales to carry out a Rapid Evidence Assessment, examining the current state of research evidence on gang-related homicide and police corruption in Trinidad and Tobago.

The review aimed to:

  1. provide an informed understanding of the nature and prevalence of gang homicide and police corruption in the country; and
  2. identify effective practices that the police can adopt to address these issues.

The results from this review will increase understanding of how gang-related homicide and police corruption in Trinidad and Tobago could be tackled most effectively.

The findings will also contribute to the design of HMICFRS’s inspection of Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

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Gang-related homicide and police corruption in Trinidad and Tobago: A Rapid Evidence Assessment (PDF document)