Protecting people from violence and abuse

Our Work  —  Police engagement with women and girls, Protecting people from violence and abuse, Victims and resolutions

On 26 March 2021, the Home Secretary commissioned HMICFRS to inspect how the police work with female victims, offenders and witnesses. The report was published in two sections. We published our interim report in July 2021. We published our final report in September 2021.

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Victims and resolutions

A thematic inspection of how well police address serious youth violence to reduce violent crime involving young people.

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Protecting people online

There can be no more important duty placed on society than to protect children from harm. The police service in England and Wales plays a vital role in keeping children safe and carrying out this duty. In 2012, we carried out fieldwork as part of an inspection into how police forces performed in their work

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Victims and resolutions

The Joint inspection of child protection arrangements (JICPA) is a Welsh only inspection and is similar to the Joint targeted area inspections (JTAI) in England. The JICPA inspection involves several other inspectorates: Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW); Health Inspectorate Wales; Estyn; and HMI Probation. JICPA follows a theme for each inspection. For example, in December 2019

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Victims and resolutions

In 2016, a programme of joint targeted area child protection inspections in England was launched. These short, focused inspections were carried out on a multi-agency basis, led by Ofsted and also involving HMICFRS, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and HMI Probation. In November 2021, with Ofsted and the CQC, we piloted a new joint inspection

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse

In July 2012, a consultation exercise was held by Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission, HMIC, HMI Probation and HMI Prisons on proposals for the joint inspection of multi-agency arrangements for the protection of children. A pilot inspection programme was subsequently carried out. In November 2012 HMIC conducted unannounced inspections of the child protection services delivered

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse

Our national child protection inspections focus on the outcomes for, and experiences of, children who come into contact with the police when there are concerns about their safety or wellbeing.

Our Work  —  Protecting people from violence and abuse, Victims and resolutions

Background The Policing and Crime Act 2017 introduced several changes to policing. One of the main elements of the legislation made changes to bail. In particular, it introduced release without bail (although bail can still be applied if the police consider it “necessary and proportionate in all the circumstances”). This change allowed for the principle

Our Work  —  Police engagement with women and girls, Protecting people from violence and abuse, Victims and resolutions

The Rape Monitoring Group (RMG) is a multi-agency group in England and Wales, which HMICFRS co-ordinates. The RMG was established in 2007 to promote improvements in response to rape across the criminal justice system.

Our Work  —  Large-scale policing, Protecting people from violence and abuse

Regional organised crime units should lead the regional response to serious and organised crime.