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Today, Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to identification of initial need and risk in Walsall.

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Today we published the fire and rescue services inspection programme and framework commencing January 2023.

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Suffolk Constabulary has some areas of strength in the way it protects vulnerable children, but further changes are needed to how it manages risk.

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Wiltshire Police has improved in some areas this year, but its performance in investigating crime has deteriorated.

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Police officers sometimes do not recognise the potential risk of honour-based abuse for victims of sexual abuse and the service these victims receive is not always good enough.

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His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services has moved London Fire Brigade into an enhanced level of monitoring.

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Today we published a report on our findings following a national child protection inspection post-inspection review of Cambridgeshire Constabulary.

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Today we published the terms of reference for our inspection into homicide prevention.

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Today we published a report about an inspection of the north-east regional response to serious and organised crime.

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Police forces are unable to keep pace with technology when it comes to digital forensics – and there is a backlog of more than 25,000 devices waiting to be examined.