Warwickshire Police’s custody services need improvement

Warwickshire Police has improved its oversight of its custody services, but further changes are needed, a new report has found.

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Report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in Warwickshire

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) found that Warwickshire Police had made several improvements since their last inspection in 2014.

For example, the police force prioritises diverting children and vulnerable people away from custody, and custody staff show a caring attitude and speak courteously and respectfully with detainees.

However, HMICFRS and HMIP said they had three main causes of concern about Warwickshire Police’s custody services, which were:

  • the safety of detainees in custody, including checks on detainees often being carried out only by looking through spyholes, and some checks are not done on time;
  • the quality of custody reports, including confusing and contradictory entries, and not enough detail being provided; and
  • meeting legal requirements, such as sometimes missing reviews of detention.

The inspectorates have therefore made recommendations for Warwickshire Police to address these concerns, while also highlighting an additional 22 areas for improvement.

Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary Wendy Williams said:

“Anyone detained in custody should be treated fairly and kept safe from harm. Warwickshire Police has made some improvements since our last inspection in 2014, particularly in its oversight of custody services and its governance structures.

“Custody staff speak courteously and respectfully with detainees, and the force clearly prioritises diverting children and vulnerable people away from custody. It works well with partners such as the Youth Offending Service to achieve this.

“However, progress has been limited in some areas. We still have concerns, including ensuring detainees in custody are always kept safe. We will be working closely with Warwickshire Police and monitoring its progress against our new recommendations.”

Get the report

Report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in Warwickshire


  1. For further information, the HMICFRS Press Office can be contacted on 07836217729 or at HMICPressOffice@hmicfrs.gov.uk.