Announcement of data release

Crime and Policing Comparator

Release Date

18 October 2012


Crime and Justice, Expenditure


HM Inspectorate of Constabulary


England and Wales

Geographic Breakdown

Police forces


Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics. Contains some data which have been previously published as National Statistics.


The Crime and Policing Comparator presents a range of data on crime, solved crimes, costs, workforce, anti-social behaviour and victim satisfaction. The Crime and Policing Comparator allows the public to use this data to compare their force with other forces in England and Wales, as well as looking at their force’s data over time. The data used for the Crime and Policing Comparator comes from: the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Police Objective Analysis; Office for National Statistics (ONS) crime statistics; and other data provided to the Home Office by police forces under the Annual Data Requirement.

The data underpinning the Crime and Policing Comparator is updated either quarterly or annually, in line with the availability of the source data.