HMIC’s 2016/17 inspection programme: for consultation

Published on: 5 February 2016

Publication types: Business Plans and Consultations


This consultation has now closed. HMIC’s 2016/17 inspection programme can be viewed here.

HMIC is seeking your views on its proposed inspection programme for 2016/17. This comprises HMIC’s PEEL assessment; national thematic inspections; joint inspections; inspections of other national law enforcement agencies; and commissions from the Home Secretary, and police and crime commissioners and other local policing bodies.

In particular, you are invited to respond to the following questions:

  1. Are there any other aspects of police work you believe should be covered by HMIC’s annual all-force PEEL inspections (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy)? If so, what are they and why should they be included?
  2. Should we develop the inspection methodology for PEEL further to enable us to move to a single PEEL inspection in each force every year?
  3. Do the proposed thematic inspections cover areas that are of the greatest concern at present, especially counter-terrorism and crime-recording?
  4. Do you agree that by developing our approach to gathering evidence by making better use of the information that HMIC holds through Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE), it will allow for a better and more effective use of data?
  5. Is the framework in relation to how we monitor, make judgments and engage with forces and interested parties clear and fair? If not, why not; and what changes should be made so that it is?

The inspection programme also contains a specification of how HMIC monitors police forces and the proposed changes to how we will run our PEEL inspections in 2016/17.

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HMIC’s 2016/17 inspection programme: for consultation (PDF document)

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