Consultation on HMIC's programme for regular force inspections

Published on: 30 June 2014

Publication types: Consultations


Please note: this consultation is now closed.

We need the views of the public, the police service and others as we develop our new approach to assessing the performance of the police. If you would like to be involved, HMIC wants to hear from you.

Respond to the consultation

Read the consultation summary (PDF document)

Read the full consultation (PDF document)

Download the questionnaire form (Document)

Fersiynau Cymraeg

Darllenwch y crynodeb ymgynghori (PDF document)

Darllenwch y ymgynghoriad llawn (PDF document)

Lawrlwythwch y ffurflen holiadur (Document)

Please send your answers to these questions, together with any other comments, by email to no later than Friday 12 September 2014. If you prefer you can post your responses to Chief Operating Officer, HMIC, 6th Floor, Globe House, 89 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1PN.

If you have a complaint or comment about HMIC’s approach to consultation, please email

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Press release for ‘Consultation on HMIC’s programme for regular force inspections’

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