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South Wales PEEL 2014


How well the force delivers value for money

Last updated 12/11/2014


South Wales Police has made excellent progress as it responds to the spending review challenge, approaching it with rigour and innovation. This means the force is well placed to face future challenges.

The force has plans in place to achieve all the necessary savings over the spending review period.

It is also developing plans to achieve further anticipated savings beyond 2016.

It has reorganised the way it is structured and has managed to make the savings with one of the smallest reductions in the workforce in England and Wales. Having taken some early steps to move to new structures for the provision of policing, it has now moved to a period of consolidation and refinement through a comprehensive programme of continuous improvement.

Despite the challenges of the spending review, the force has been able to improve performance – in particular, for increased victim satisfaction. The force is also taking opportunities to collaborate with others; and it is progressive and innovative in a number of areas, creating an environment that will yield additional opportunities.

HMIC considers that South Wales Police has met the requirements of the spending review, while protecting the front line, maintaining a focus on effective policing and keeping its communities safe.

Questions for Efficiency


To what extent is the force efficient?


The force has a good understanding of the scale and nature of the demands for policing in South Wales.

It has reviewed in detail the main areas of demand, has reduced wasted effort and allocated resources to respond most effectively to demand.

It has made particular progress in the way it deals with calls from the public and improved how it manages the police response. It makes good use of IT to improve the efficiency of policing.

Recorded crime has reduced over the spending review period. Victim satisfaction has also increased over the last 12 months and is higher than the figure for England and Wales.



To what extent is the force taking steps to ensure a secure financial position for the short and long term?


South Wales Police already had a strong track record of achieving the savings it had planned to make and indeed has made extra savings each year.

Plans are in place to achieve all the savings needed this year and are well developed for 2015/16.

Financial management is a strength in South Wales.

The force has made good use of external income. For example, in partnership with the police and crime commissioner, it has gained £4.5m in grants from the police innovation fund. This includes £3.3m for ‘Project Fusion’.

South Wales continues to plan for 2016 and beyond through its continuous improvement programme and is well placed to meet future challenges.



To what extent has the force got an affordable way of providing policing?


South Wales Police restructured early in the spending review process and has made most of the savings it needed to make with one of the smallest reductions in the workforce of all forces in England and Wales.

It developed an effective approach to managing change and has a mature and well-led process of continuous improvement.

It works well in collaboration with other Welsh forces but has not collaborated as extensively, or saved as much through collaboration, as other forces.

The proportion of workforce reductions planned is considerably smaller than the figure for England and Wales.

The force is now developing a plan to focus on identifying savings from non-pay costs.